Thursday, February 25, 2010

"On Writting" and Writers choice

3 things I took away from “On Writing”

1.) Write first edit later. I’m always having trouble with writers block, or too many ideas that I’m having trouble organizing. Just getting things downs setting a foundation for me to work on. I can worry about structure and spelling later.

2.) Your “Tool Box” I’m going to continue to work on my tool box and keep adding tools that I learn through my college carrier.

3.) “Write to enrich your life and the lives of others.” Page 275. I think writing can be very therapeutic especially when you can just write out your opinion. I may consider starting a journal

Writers Choice

For my Writers choice I think I want to do a review on the restaurant local boyz. It’s a great place to eat. I’m going to go there this Saturday when it’s busy with students who I can interview.

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